Promote Happiness in the Workplace

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Promote Happiness in the Workplace

Happy employees lead to more success for your company. In fact, happy workers are 20% more productive than their unhappy counterparts. How often, as a manager, do you think about how to make your workplace a happier one? Happy employees will lead to a stronger culture, lower turnover rate, and ultimately higher quality work being done. Employee happiness has a direct correlation to your bottom-line. Happy workers are the antithesis to disengaged workers. Disengaged workers can lead to:

  • Absenteeism
  • Errors
  • Low productivity and efficiency

Of course, happiness is a decision that each individual must make but how can you as a manager promote happiness in the workplace?

Praise and recognition

No one likes to feel underappreciated. Ask your employees personally and as a team how they would like to receive praise and feel appreciated. Each person on team is unique and is motivated in different ways. As a team, they will be eager to contribute to initiatives of reward systems that you put in place. Praise them both in private and publicly. They will be more excited and feel like an important part of the team which will lead to an increase in happiness in your whole team.

Make work/life balance a priority

Work/life balance has become a priority for many workplaces, and it is key for keeping your employees happy. Gone are the days of working extreme hours and never seeing your family. More and more, employees are looking for the right balance of personal life and career. Make this easier for them by, for example, offering working from home once or twice a week. Especially with the technology and ease of communication these days, they will get their work done but also be able to enjoy being home.

Team building and activities

Activities outside of work and team building workshops is an investment in the team. They can help employees get to know each other in a non-work setting and can boost morale within the team. Have parties and celebrate birthdays or holidays.

Empower them

When employees feel trusted, they will be bother happier and more productive. Empower them and trust them with projects and other decisions to be made. They will be more invested and satisfied with their work when they feel like they can make a difference in the company. Show your employees that you believe in them and that they are vital to your success as a team.

Make a conscious effort to promote happiness in the workplace. You’ll see the benefits that will come from it.

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