​The “Whys” to Generation Y

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The “Whys” to Generation Y

Generation Y is unlike any generation to come before it. Raised on constant praise and continual access to technology, they are motivated in very different ways than older, more traditional employees.

Our Salt Lake City recruiting team has discovered effective ways to reach this demographic. In this article, you will find some of their insights that help in hiring, training and managing these employees.

Generation Y job seekers do their research

Generation Y employees seek the ultimate in work/life balance. Additionally, they want to work for a company that does meaningful work. That’s why they take the time to investigate nearly everything they can online about a company before accepting an interview. In some cases, they would rather not work, than work at an unfulfilling job or for a questionable company.

Additionally, the ability to network is a defining characteristic of Gen Y. These candidates will often connect with friends, colleagues and others to learn more about your company. By doing this, they can uncover information about your company that are not found online, including salaries and employee satisfaction rates.

Hiring experts at our Salt Lake City recruiting firms advise you to address any measures in place to improve culture if your Utah business has an image problem. Additionally, if your online presence is less than ideal, it may be time for a serious revision or risk lackluster recruitment.

Generation Y job seekers view tech as a way of life

Unlike Baby Boomers and Generation X, Generation Y has never seen a workplace without high-tech solutions. Generation Y relies so heavily on the web, laptops and smartphones that they can feel crippled without them. Outdated technology, or limit to digital communication, can deter great Gen Y talent.

Integrating technology in nearly every interaction is the best way to work effectively with Gen Y. When looking to schedule and Salt Lake City recruiting interview or performance review with a Generation Y employee, you may consider making first contact via email or text. This form of communication comes more naturally to Gen X and seems less formal than a face-to-face or telephone interaction. It also improves the likelihood of a quick, positive response.

Generation Y wants instant gratification and flexibility

Generation Y employees may behave similar to Gen Xers, but for very different reasons. Utah recruiters must act quickly when trying to engage a candidate because they are notorious for moving on to new opportunities, including the option to start their own business.

They seek an unprecedented level of flexibility. Flexible shifts and the option to work remotely will attract Generation Y candidates. Working a standard nine-to-five job has no appeal to them; they operate on the belief that as long as a job is done well and one time, restrictions shouldn’t be imposed.

Salt Lake City recruiters know flexibility and swift action is the key to snapping up top candidates before they are lost to the competition—or become the competition.

Generation Y employees respect their goals and their leaders

Although it may seem counterintuitive, Generation Y employees are most likely to respect older leadership. They understand older employees have a lot to offer, and they seek their mentorship.

Additionally, these employees always seek goal obtainment and career development. If you wish to have a dynamic team, a Salt Lake City recruiting firm would suggest you offer continued development and trainings that are interactive and fun. Doing so will provide the opportunity for Gen Yers to advance their knowledge in skills needed to obtain their career goals.

Recruiting Connection knows how to speak to your target candidates. Contact us to learn more.

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