​Trouble Finding Candidates? Salt Lake City Recruiting Firm Offers 3 Tips

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Trouble Finding Candidates? Check Out These 3 Tips

If you are waiting for the perfect candidate for your open position, it may be preventing you from seeing the value of excellent candidates. Take a moment to evaluate your hiring search in Salt Lake City; it just may help you find the right person for the job. If you are having trouble finding candidates, here are a few places to start:

Reassess required education and skills

If your Salt Lake City executive search has a high number of educational requirements, you may want to consider looking at the experience of job applicants. Many qualified candidates have your desired skillset, but do not have the educational level you desire.

While education remains important, the on-the-job education a candidate receives may equal, or exceed, academic or professional credentials. Decide which educational requirements are essential, and which are simply preferred.

Know what is trainable

Higher unemployment rates have led Salt Lake City employers to believe there is a bottomless pool of candidates, but this is not the case. So positions may remain unfilled while a Utah hiring manager overlooks well-qualified applicants.

Assume you are looking for ten desired skills in a job. Now divide the skills into two columns: must-have skills and trainable skills. If a candidate has eight out of ten skills you are looking for, he or she may be the best person for the jo, as long as they are willing to be trained.

Make a swift decision

Qualified job seekers will be applying for several jobs at a time. Candidates that are actively looking for work on their own or with a Salt Lake City staffing firm, will statistically receive up to three job offers. If you are continue to wait for the “perfect” candidate to apply, you will likely lose a near-perfect candidate to a competitor. You will then be left to choose between your second or third-choice candidate.

If your job search is not producing the applicants you desire, it may be time to adjust your strategy. Additionally, it could be time to consult a Salt Lake City recruiting firm. Contact Recruiting Connection to learn we take the guesswork out of finding candidates.

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