Are you guilty of making one of these 6 hiring mistakes?

Cody Johnson, Recruiting Connection

Are you guilty of making one of these 6 hiring mistakes?

Every hiring process is different and each hiring manager has their own strategy. If that strategy stops producing results or the top candidates are drying up, it’s time to change something. Have you seen this in your hiring process? You may be guilty of making one of these 6 hiring mistakes…

1. Vague job description

It’s important to start the hiring process off right. When you write a job description, be as detailed as possible. List the specific requirements and experience you are looking for in the perfect candidate. If your job descriptions are too vague, you will receive resumes from countless candidates, many of which are nowhere near qualified.

2. Casting a narrow net

You may have seen success in the past sourcing candidates from the same sources time and again. By casting such a narrow net, you may be missing out on the best candidates just because you are not willing to look at other sources. Switch things up and use different sources to cast a wider net. Ask employees for referrals or go to a job fair. It doesn’t hurt to try something new.

3. Skipping the phone interview

A quick phone interview can tell you a lot about a candidate. If you have already determined what you are looking for in a candidate, a quick call will help you screen candidates very quickly. If you skip a phone interview, you will find you are wasting time having in-person interviews with candidates that looked a lot better on paper than they are in real life.

4. Rushing into it/trusting first impressions

When the pressure is on, many hiring managers are rushed into making a hiring decision that turns into a costly mistake. Do not sacrifice quality for a quick hire. It is tempting to make a hire based on your first impression. Be sure to include other leaders of your organization or other team members that will be working with the candidate. Another set of eyes and ears is important when making a hire because they may catch something that you didn’t.

5. Not thinking about culture fit

An experienced, skilled candidate can make a tempting hire. As soon as a great candidate is in front of a hiring manager, many pull the trigger and make an offer on the spot without taking the time to see if the candidate is the right culture fit. Ask questions in the interview process that will tell you whether or not the candidate is a right fit for you company culture. It only takes one bad candidate to negatively affect the culture you have so carefully cultivated.

6. Failing to check references

Checking references may seem unnecessary when a candidate is just too perfect. It’s easy to skip over the annoying calls to past employers or colleagues of the candidate. Don’t. Do. It. References give a realistic idea of what it’s really like to work with or for the candidate.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to avoid all of these hiring mistakes? Today is your lucky day! Recruiting Connection has a proven hiring process that will attract the best candidates out there. You’ll only see the the top candidates that are a great fit based on your specific requirements, leaving no room for hiring mistakes. What are you waiting for? Click the button below to connect with us and get the best talent on your team!

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About the author

Cody Johnson is the Managing Director of Recruiting Connection, where he leads business operations and strategy development. His 10 years of recruiting experience and a strong network in accounting and finance allow him to ensure the delivery of top-tier talent. Before joining Recruiting Connection, he worked at Ernst & Young with high-profile clients like Hewlett-Packard and, and later at Woodside Homes. Cody is a Certified Public Accountant with a Master’s degree from Brigham Young University.

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