How to Turn a Passive Prospect into a Real Candidate

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How to Turn a Passive Prospect Into a Real Candidate

The term candidate is really a misnomer. Until they have submitted a resume, they should really be called prospects. A “Passive Prospect” is someone who is not looking for a new job. These individuals are usually top in their field, are high producers and usually work for the competition. That’s why they can be such valuable hires. These prospects are usually happy with their current position, manager, and organization. They also can be difficult to find and pin down to start a conversation about new opportunities. Cultivating these elusive, Passive Prospects is easier if you pair them with companies that have Evergreen Job Programs. Evergreen Job Programs can recruit top talent at any time, giving you the ability to take these Passive Prospects and turn them into real candidates.

What are the signs of a passive prospect?

One of the biggest indicators of a passive is a social media profile that may have their most recent job listed but it hasn’t been updated. There are no recent accomplishments listed. The second biggest indicator is that they don’t return calls from recruiters.

What is an Evergreen Job Program?

 An Evergreen Job Program is where a company “over-hires” in specific areas to create a talent surplus for critical positions. An Evergreen Job Program can benefit organizations by giving them the ability to recruit Passive Prospects at anytime. Evergreen Job Programs help decrease talent shortages and increase productivity. Positions filled through Evergreen Programs become incubators of talent that can be cross-trained for a variety of vital tasks or to take on new initiatives.

How to match up passive prospects with Evergreen Job Programs?

If a Passive Prospect returns a call or engages in conversation at a networking event, it is important to capitalize on this interaction. Engage them by inquiring about their current position. Get an understanding of their challenges, culture and frustrations. Present the facts about your organization and the potential opportunity. Highlight professional development opportunities, culture, and challenges. Most ambitious and accomplished talent are interested in hearing about new opportunities, even if they are happy with their current position.

Evergreen Job Programs allow organizations to capitalize on opportunities to recruit top talent at any time. This way, if a Passive Prospect engages in conversation and is interested in the organization, it will be easier to turn them into a real candidate.

Passive Prospects can be elusive, but knowing how to spot and engage them will help increase the possibility of procurement for organizations that have the ability to recruit top talent with an Evergreen Program.If you have questions about how to make the most of Passive Prospects, contact the Salt Lake City recruiting experts at Recruiting Connection.

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