4 Signs That You Might Be Losing Your Top Performer

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4 Signs That You Might Be Losing Your Top Performer

As a manager, you want to avoid employee turnover, especially if it’s one of your top performers. The best talent on your team is deeply invested in their careers and are looking for the same amount of passion from the company. If they have become disillusioned or the company’s goals are no longer aligned with their personal goals, they might be considering new opportunities. Losing your top performer won’t be something that comes out of the blue, there are signs that precede a resignation letter. Here are four signs to watch out for:

1. Increased absenteeism

Your top performers are normally very punctual and never miss a day. When your star employee starts missing more days or arrives late, it might seem out of the ordinary. This could be a telltale sign that your employee is getting burnt out or is losing motivation. Of course, there could be exceptions like family or personal problems. It’s important to have open, transparent communication with your employees so you can know how to best help them or get them motivated again.

2. Less sociability/more isolated

When an employee is considering leaving, they tend to start avoiding work social activities. They tend to skip team-building activities or office work parties. If your previously outgoing staff members suddenly seem quiet and spend more time holed up in their office, they might be looking to leave. Keep an eye out for this behavior so you can speak to them before they decide to leave.

3. Decline in work level/reduced output

A top performer is just that: a top performer. They are the employees that achieve the best results and are making a big impact in your business. If their productivity has declined uncharacteristically, this could be a sign that a once-passionate employee is just going through the motions. They might be making uncommon errors or missing deadlines that before would never happen.

4. Change in attitude

If your employee was once a bright and positive influence in your office and is now complaining or showing negativity, this is often a sign of job dissatisfaction. It’s important to develop a relationship with your employees so that you can catch this change in attitude sooner rather. Identifying this change can help you know if you are losing your top performer.

Now that you know, have you seen some of these signs in your top performers? The time to act is now. If you need advice on how to keep your employees happy or recently lost your top performer and need to find a replacement, reach out to us. Click the button below to connect with us or call us at 801-278-1200.

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