Utah Recruiters Offer Tips on Leading a Generation X Management Team

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How to Lead a Generation X Management Team

If you are in the process of an executive search in Utah, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics that define generation that has the most executives in the workforce.

If you have are having trouble with your Salt Lake City executive search, take a look at the tips below to make sure your company is attractive to Gen X employees.

1. Appreciate their need for a work-life balance

Generation X thrives on flexible work hours and the capability to work remotely. Offering a generous time off plan and an enjoyable work environment are two more traits of a company that will do well employing Generation X.

In their eyes, actions speak louder than words, so be sure to show Generation Xers that you understand they have other things in their life besides their career.

2. Do not micromanage

As a group that does not need someone over their shoulder to get work done, Generation X employees like to learn as they go. They will be more likely to look for answers on their own or turn to team members’ expertise.

When they work in teams, Gen X will assemble into subgroups to get the job done efficiently. Generation X makes up the majority of middle management positions; give them room to try out different approaches to the job. Inserting your authority may be viewed as invasive and could hamper results.

3. Give constructive criticism

While Baby Boomers were fine with an annual evaluation of their performance, Gen X looks for feedback more frequently and less formally.

Utah hiring managers will tell you that this type of feedback will keep Gen X happy to be working for an employer who takes note of their accomplishments.

This group expects continual change. Therefore, notify them of a problem or needed adjustment as soon as it arises. This group is fine with change in their lives, so if they need to adjust to the job, they would like to know instead of being told later.

4. Act quickly

Any Salt Lake City staffing agency will tell you that Gen X is impatient. Instead of waiting for the perfect job, they will jump on one of the first opportunitie they receive.

This is also true once they are employees: do not wait to offer them more responsibility or a new position. If you don’t, someone else will. This group wants to feel appreciated for their work, so do not wait to reward good behavior. They do feel loyalty to people they work for, but not the corporation.

Are you recruiting employees for your Utah business? Discover why the staffing experts at Recruiting Connection are the leaders in Salt Lake City recruiting. Contact us today.

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